It would appear, on this day, a couple of French military trainers have been taken from their hotel—the Saxafi in Mogadishu—at gun point. I would imagine that the people in question were taken, very much against their will I suspect, by a group of unknown gunmen.
There is something odd, to my mind, about the idea of French military trainers being present in Mogadishu at this precise moment in time. Firstly, it would appear that the Frenchmen in question had checked into their hotel whilst masquerading as journalists—what were they expecting to gain by concealing their true purpose in Somalia? Secondly, there are daily battles being fought by heavily armed adversaries inside the city of Mogadishu—to whom were these Frenchmen to provide military training? Thirdly, the AMISOM troops inside Mogadishu are described as professional soldiers—why would they require military training at the hands of European military personnel? Perhaps the situation inside Mogadishu, in purely military terms, has developed into something which is beyond the capabilities of the AMISOM soldiers?
These are all interesting questions, and perhaps we shall never really know what the true purpose of these men could be. All we know for certain is that the combined forces of the AMISOM contingent and the diabolical TFG of Somalia shall have to find another source of military training for the time being.
Rather interestingly, the President of the United States of America, in his recent address to the Ghanaian parliament, seems to believe that the ideas of his predecessor—President Woodrow Wilson—hold sway on the African continent. The idea of universal humanitarian law, as defined by a benevolent United States of America, can reshape human societies—for the better—throughout the world is nothing more than a broken utopian dream. Furthermore, with respect to the African continent, the era of plunder by European colonialists, and their cousins from the New World is firmly over. I would like to remind people that the change of a political leader is nothing more than the happiness of fools. America, if it wishes to enforce the laws which underpin President Woodrow Wilson’s utopian dream, is wasting both its time and its treasure: This is a battle that cannot be won.
I would like to add that European colonialism, in its new form, is Wilsonian legalism by its nature. Not so long ago, a serving African head of state, in the shape of Al-Bashir of Sudan, had been indicted by a European court which has been fallaciously rebranded as the International Criminal Court. The idea that international law, in addition to international finance, can be administered from either New York City or The Hague is an example of racist hubris at best, and part of a diabolical neo-colonial scheme at worst. Just today I witnessed the outrageous show trial of Charles Taylor, the former President of Liberia. This type of thing is quite disgraceful. There must come a time when the people of the so-called third world nations learn to define, for themselves, how important their own laws and customs are in the face of such shameless neo-colonialist aggression.
With respect to the Somali national territory, I am of the opinion that the only law that matters is that of the Almighty creator. It cannot be a coincidence that the shameful concept of liberal interventionism was developed in the twin capital cities of Washington D.C. and London. We must remember that Islamic law, as set down by Allah, and not the utopian ideals of Wilsonian inspired neo-colonialism, is what the people of Somalia must protect in the face of this regrettably misguided foreign aggression which is directed against them at the present time.
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Friday, 3 July 2009
Somalia, the Shameful Alliance Between Yusuf ‘Indhacadde’, the Monstrous TFG, and the Western World

I find it rather amusing that, during this week of heavy fighting inside Mogadishu, the Swedish government—having assumed the presidency of the European Union—has allied itself with the Somali warlord Yusuf ‘Indhacadde’. Indeed, the Swedish special envoy to the so-called Somali Peace Process—Mr. Bjallerstedt—has publicly stated that the groups currently opposed to the monstrous TFG of Somalia, “have no idea beyond overthrowing the legitimate government.” And, quite remarkably, Yusuf ‘Indhacadde’ seems to think himself a free man, at this moment in time, when he claims that the noble forces opposed to his ungodly TFG of Somalia are the agents of foreign powers. He also suggests that the Shabaab and Xisbul Islaam are opposed to the concept of law and order inside the Somali national territory.
Yusuf ‘Indhacadde’ is in no position to comment upon the noble concept of law and order in any context. This inveterate warlord has personally caused the ruin of countless Somali families in his rapacious quest for wealth. Yusuf ‘Indhacadde’ is a man devoid of all moral virtues. He is a shameless political opportunist, and this is a fact known to all the people of Somalia. Yusuf ‘Indhacadde’ has changed sides so often, in political terms, that I am convinced that he is a man who cannot take himself seriously whenever he makes his views public. The very fact that Yusuf ‘Indhacadde’ is a senior member of the monstrous TFG of Somalia demonstrates that he is not a credible commentator on Somali national affairs. Without a shadow of a doubt, Yusuf ‘Indhacadde’ is a serial violator of the laws of God; he is a man without honour.
Furthermore, it seems to me that Mr. Bjallerstedt, whom I suspect to be a learned man, is being deliberately obtuse when he suggests that the monstrous TFG of Somalia is a legitimate government. This assertion could not be further from the truth. Furthermore, it is quite clear that the noble freedom fighters of Somalia—the combined forces of the Shabaab and Xisbul Islaam—have every right to seek the removal of the so-called TFG of Somalia. The monstrous TFG of Somalia is nothing more than a vehicle for the re-colonisation of the Somali national territory by manifestly hostile foreign powers.
I should like to add that the noble forces, currently resisting the Western re-conquest of the Somali national territory, have already demonstrated that they have the ability to fully restore peace to the Somali national territory. By way of providing evidence for this assertion, I would encourage Mr. Bjallerstedt, and the rest of the so-called international community, to visit the important port city of Kismayu in Somalia. This is a clear example of the fact that the noble forces of the Somali resistance are more than capable of governing the Somali national territory well. They have shown, for the best part of a full calendar year, that they have a good idea of what is best for the people of Somalia inside the port of Kismayu.
The people of Somalia are, by and large, God-fearing Muslims. Therefore, I for one, should like to know what the so-called international community can offer the people of Somalia that Allah cannot provide for them? I should like to know why the treacherous imposter Shariif Axmed has put his faith in the hands of America—and their donation of arms to him—and not in the Almighty Allah? It seems to me that the alliance between the Western world, and much of the IGAD group of states, seeks the complete ruin of the Somali nation. In my opinion, the people of Somalia do not need Western liberalism in the shape of the promotion of same sex marriages and mindless consumerism. The people of Somalia do not need the imposition of a corrupt Western-style sham of a democracy which has been imposed by hostile foreign aggressor, as in the case of the shameful TFG of Somalia.
I find it astonishing that the so-called international community is united in its opposition to the rise of the noble holy warriors of the Somali nation. And, the most remarkable thing of all is the fact that the international community never seems to learn from its own mistakes. The lessons of the past, I should have thought, suggest that the warlords of Somalia shall never achieve their treacherous goal of militarily dominating the Somali national territory, on behalf of their Western masters, so long as the Somali nation demonstrates its faith in the power of the Almighty.
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